Refrigeration Monitoring

Keeping a check on the temperature of your display refrigerators / freezers is now simple with our IoT based solution.

Real-time visibility of the performance of refrigeration systems

Track the temperature of fresh and frozen products

Increase power efficiency.

Reduce wastage of food and save cost.


  • Thermocouples:
  • RTDs (Resistance Temperature Detectors):
  • Thermistors:
  • Infrared sensors:
  • Temperature data loggers:
  1. Thermocouples: These sensors use the thermoelectric effect to measure temperature. They are often used in industrial and laboratory settings because they are durable and can measure a wide range of temperatures.
  2. RTDs (Resistance Temperature Detectors): These sensors use the change in electrical resistance of a material to measure temperature. They are often used in precision temperature measurement applications because they are accurate and stable.
  3. Thermistors: These sensors use the change in electrical resistance of a semiconductor material to measure temperature. They are often used in temperature control and monitoring applications because they are small, inexpensive and have a fast response time.
  4. Infrared sensors: These sensors use the infrared radiation emitted by an object to measure its temperature. They are often used in non-contact temperature measurement applications, such as measuring the temperature of a person’s skin without touching it.
  5. Temperature data loggers: These sensors record temperature measurements at specific intervals, and store the data for later analysis. They are often used in long-term monitoring and temperature data collection applications.

Temperature sensors are widely used in many industries, including HVAC, automotive, food and beverage, healthcare, and many others. They are also used in consumer electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and home appliances.